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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Lake to Lake Hike Across the Grand Sable Dunes--Post 1

A couple of days ago Wendy and I decided to go on a long "epic" snowshoe hike from Sable Lake to Lake Superior across the Grand Sable Dunes, through the forest, back the trail along the Sable River, and along the cross country ski trail back to Sable Lake. During the warm months, this is a long hike, but not too difficult. During the winter it is a bit more challenging. Even with snowshoes, it is not easy to walk on frozen dunes, especially where there is elevation change. In the valleys between dunes there was also very deep snow. But the snowshoe hike was invigorating -- and it was beautiful. The snow ads interest and contrast to the scenery.

We parked at the Sable Visitor's Center and walked across the field on the North Country Trail to the cross country ski trail A. Around half way down that trail, there is a connecting trail to Sable Lake. Just before you get to the lake you cross the footbridge. As the winter continues, the snow and ice on the river is getting more interesting.

When we arrived at Sable Lake we were surprised to see a layer of ice over the lake. We had just been there two days before when there was only a little ice hugging the shore. The temperatures the night before, though, dipped to around ten. Also, there was not much wind (finally--after many days of intense wind), so the ice had the ability to form.

Then we headed up into the dunes. Wendy and I are both passionate about hiking in the dunes -- any time of the year.

Wendy "survived" her first avalanche.

In some places along our snowshoe hike there was all snow.

In other places there was all sand, some of which was intricately carved by the wind and changing temperatures.

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